Group Based Permissions in Umbraco

Umbraco features a comprehensive group based security system for both content administrators (known as Users in Umbraco) and password protected visitors to the site (known as Members).

User Groups in Umbraco 

Umbraco enables Administrators to setup User Groups which control:

  • Access to different sections of the back-end;
  • Start node in the Content and Media library in the back-end;
  • Permissions on different pages of the site;

Page Level Permissions 

Page level permissions are very fine grained, including control of:

  • Creating new child pages;
  • Publishing content;
  • Viewing content on child pages;
  • Setting domain names for multilingual content;
  • Sending content to translate.

Out of the box Umbraco features three groups, Writers, Editors and Administrators, although in newer versions of Umbraco it is possible to create any number of custom groups. Again in newer versions of Umbraco, each user in the site can be associated with any number groups


Why Umbraco?

Group Based Permissions is just one of the many reasons why we love Umbraco. Discover the other reasons we love Umbraco like SEO Friendly URLs and Grid Based Editing.

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